- 15-Making-provision-for-the-exercise-of-public-rights-2023-24-exempt-authorities (1).pdf
- 15-exercise-of-public-rights-2022-23-exempt-authorities (1).pdf
- Account at 01072024.pdf
- Accounting Statement 2019-20.tiff
- Accounting Statement 2023-2024 Section 2 .jpg
- Agenda for AGM April 2024.doc
- Agenda for PC Agm 13 April 2021.pdf
- Agenda for PC Annual General Meeting 16-5-2023.pdf
- Agenda for PC meeting Tuesday 11 October 2022 (1).pdf
- Agenda for PC meeting Tuesday 12 April 2022.pdf
- Agenda for PC meeting Tuesday 13 April 2021.pdf
- Agenda for PC meeting Tuesday 18th January 2022.pdf
- Agenda for PC meeting Tuesday 19 July 2022.pdf
- Agenda for PC meeting Tuesday 6 October 2020.pdf
- Agenda for PC meeting Wednesday 15th March 2023 at 7.30pm.pdf
- Agenda for the Meeting on the 8th July.pdf
- AgendaforPCmeetingTuesday7April2020.pdf
- Annual Governance Statement 2019-20.png
- Annual Governance Statement 2023-2024 Section 1 .jpg
- Annual Governance Statement Section 2021-22.jpg
- Annual Governance statement 2020-21.jpg
- Annual Internal Audit Report 2019-20.png
- Annual Internal Audit Report 2021-2022.jpg
- Bank reconciliation at 05062020.pdf
- Bank reconciliation at 08012021.pdf
- Brock and Calder B4RN newsletter - For Claughton Residents Final draft.pdf
- Brock and Calder B4RN newsletter - October 7th 2020 .doc
- Certificate of exemption 2020-21.jpg
- Claughton exemption certificate2021-22.jpg
- Claughton AGS 2022-2023 Bank Reconciliation 31032023 - Copy.jpg
- Claughton AGS 2022-23 Notice of Public Rights.jpg
- Claughton Internal Audit 2022-2023.jpg
- Internal Audit 2023-2024 page 1 .jpg
- Internal Audit 2023-24 (page2).jpg
- LA0049 S3.pdf
- Minutes for PC meeting 10th January 2024.pdf
- Minutes for PC meeting 13th April 2021.pdf
- Minutes for PC meeting 15th March 2023.pdf
- Minutes for PC meeting 18 January 2022.pdf
- Minutes for PC meeting 19th July 2023.pdf
- Minutes for PC meeting 5 October 2021.pdf
- Minutes for PC meeting April 12th 2022.pdf
- Minutes for PC meeting January 12th 2021.pdf
- Minutes for PC meeting July 7th 2020.pdf
- Minutes of AGM 13 April 2021.pdf
- Minutes of AGM April 17 2024.pdf
- Minutes of PC Meeting 17 April 2024.pdf
- MinutesforPCmeetingApril7th2020.pdf
- Newsletter and website notes (1).jpg
- Newsletter and website notes (1).pdf
- Notice of Public Rights 2021.jpg
- Parish Accounts 2020-21.pdf
- Parish Accounts 2021-22.pdf
- Parish Accounts 2023-2024.pdf
- Parish accounts 2019-20.pdf
- ParishAccounts2020-21.pdf
- Scan_20240624.jpg
- Signed scan of Certificate of Exemption 2019-20.png
- Unsigned Certificate of Exemption from External Audit 2019-2020.png